Valor K9 Academy® Online

Privacy Policy


Updated as of January 5, 2024.


Valor K9 Academy LLC ("we," "us," "our") works hard to build and maintain a relationship of trust with you. This Privacy Policy (the "Privacy Policy") governs our collection, use, and disclosure of your Personal Information (as defined below) in connection with your use of our website(s) and mobile/device application(s) on which this Privacy Policy is linked (collectively, "Sites"), such as, and and any services, transactions, or other engagements you might have with us (collectively, "Services").

This Privacy Policy explains what information we collect about you, how we use or disclose such information, how to exercise any rights you may have with respect to your Personal Information (including any rights to opt-out of certain uses of your information), and the safeguards we have in place to reduce the risk of unauthorized access and use.

Please carefully read this Privacy Policy, before using our Sites and/or Services. If you do not agree with our Terms of Use or this Privacy Policy, you must refrain from using our Sites/Services. By accessing or using our Sites or Services, you agree to our use of your information consistent with our Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to our collection, use, or disclosure of Personal Information related to job applicants, employees, contractors, or their dependents, beneficiaries, or emergency contacts.

Privacy Policy Changes

This Privacy Policy is subject to change. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy frequently for any revisions or amendments. Changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on the Sites and will be effective immediately upon posting. You will be deemed to have been made aware of and have accepted the changes by your continued use of our Sites or Services. If we determine that a change to this Privacy Policy will result in using your Personal Information acquired before the change being used in a materially new way, we will provide you notice before using your Personal Information in the new way.

Conflict Between this Policy and Laws and Regulations

When federal, state, or local laws and regulations require a higher level of protection for your Personal Information, they take precedence over this Privacy Policy. The specific requirements of this Privacy Policy apply unless disallowed by applicable laws or regulations.

Information we collect

Personal Information

Within the last twelve months, we have collected information that personally identifies, relates to, describes, or is capable of being associated with you ("Personal Information"), including:

Personal Information Category


Do we collect this information?

A. Identifiers

A real name, alias, date of birth, mailing address, billing address, phone number, IP address, email address, account name, device ID, or other similar identifiers.


B. Personal Information listed in Cal. Civ Code 1798.80(e)

Name, signature, address, telephone number, education level, and credit/debit card number, brand, expiration date. Valor does not collect personal information in this category beyond the personal information it collects in other categories identified herein.


C. Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law

Age, gender, marital status.


D. Commercial Information

Transaction history, videos watched, Sites or Services login history, payment information.


E. Biometric Information

Genetic, physiological, behavioral, and biological characteristics, or activity patterns used to extract a template or other identifier or identifying information, such as, fingerprints, faceprints, and voiceprints, iris or retina scans, keystroke, gait, or other physical patterns, and sleep, health, exercise data.


F. Internet or other electronic network activity

Browsing/search history, browser type, in-app notifications and settings.


G. Geolocation Information

Physical location or movements.


H. Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information (“sensory information”)

Call recordings, video or audio testimonials or stories.


I. Professional or employment-related information

Employer, job title.


J. Education information meaning non-public education information (per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99)).

Education records directly related to a student maintained by an educational institution or party acting on its behalf, such as grades, transcripts, class lists, student schedules, student identification codes, student financial information, or student disciplinary records.


K. Inferences drawn from other Personal Information

Profile relating to your preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes (e.g., topical interests, consumer response models, propensity to purchase models) such as generation, income level, or education level.


The specific Personal Information we collect about you may vary based on how you use the Sites and/or Services and your relationship with us.

We may also collect information that would be considered Personal Information except for the fact that it has been de-identified such that it can no longer be reasonably associated with an identifiable person (“De-Identified Information”). We may use and disclose De-Identified Information for any purpose without restriction. We will not re-identify De-Identified Information.

Sensitive Personal Information

We do not collect Sensitive Personal Information about you. “Sensitive Personal Information” includes Personal Information that reveals government identifiers, complete account credentials with security codes or other ways to access the account, precise geolocation, racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, union membership, biometric information, genetic data, communication contents if we are not the intended recipient, identifying biometric information, and information about a person’s health, sex life, or sexual orientation.

Children's Personal Information

The Sites and Services are not intended for children under the age of 18 and we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of 18. If we become aware that we have inadvertently received Personal Information from a child under the age of 18, we will delete such information from our records.

Usage Data and Sites Activity

We automatically collect information in connection with the actions you take on the Sites ("Usage Data"). For example, each time you visit our website, we automatically collect the type of web browser you use, the type of device you use, your operating system, your Internet Service Provider, the pages you view, referring and exit pages, the date and time of your visit, the number of clicks to, from, and within the Sites, and the duration of your visits to the Sites. When you use our mobile application, we gather information such as data and time of your use, duration of use, your device type, and operating system. If this information is reasonably capable of being associated with you, we treat it as Personal Information under the category Internet and Network Information. If this information is not reasonably capable of being individually associated with you, we treat it as Usage Data.

Communication Recordings

We and our Service Providers (defined below) may record calls and retain the content of text messages or other written/electronic communications between you and us. By communicating with us, you consent to our and our Service Providers (defined below) recording and retention of communications.

How we collect personal information

Voluntary Disclosure Directly From You

We may ask you to provide us with Personal Information when you communicate with us (online or offline), register to use the Sites, purchase Services, and at other times. You are not required to provide us your Personal Information; however, if you choose not to provide the requested information, you may not be able to use some or all of the features of the Sites or Services or we may not be able to fulfill your requested interaction.

Third-Party Data Sources

We may collect Personal Information from third-party data sources such as data brokers, marketing/advertising agencies, payment processors, and government agencies.

Cookies and Other Automated Tools

We use cookies (a small text file placed on your computer to identify your computer and browser) and other automated tools such as tracking pixels to authenticate users and improve the experience of the Sites and Services such as by saving your preferences from visit to visit to present you with a customized version of the Sites. Many web browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your web browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. Instructions for how to manage cookies in popular browsers are generally available online. However, certain features of the Sites and Services may not work properly if you delete or disable cookies.

We use the following types of cookies:

  • Advertising Cookies: Advertising cookies are used to learn more about you and advertise products/services that might interest you. We may also use information from advertising cookies to improve our marketing strategies.
  • Analytics Cookies: Analytics cookies help us understand how our Sites are working and who is visiting our Sites. We may use information derived from analytics cookies to improve Site functionality. Google Analytics is one tool we use, and you can learn more by reviewing Google's Privacy Policy.
  • Functional Cookies: Functional cookies allow our Sites to work as intended such as by ensuring fonts display correctly, allowing you to engage with features like polls, quizzes, and forms, or embedding content from third-party platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. These cookies may also be used to personalize features and remember settings.

Cookies remain on a user's system for varying periods of time. Some only remain during a viewing session, others may remain for a year or longer.

We employ software technology that enables us to track certain aspects of a user's visit to the Sites and engagement with emails. This technology helps us better manage content on the Sites by informing us what content is effective, how consumers engage with the Sites and emails, and how consumers arrive at and/or depart from the Sites. The software typically uses two methods to track user activity: (1) "tracking pixels" and (2) "clear gifs." Tracking pixels are pieces of executable code that are embedded in a web page that track usage activity including which pages are viewed, when they are viewed, and how long the pages are viewed. Clear gifs are tiny graphics with unique identifiers which are embedded in web pages and email messages that track whether a user has viewed a web page or email message. User activity information may be associated with additional information about a user's session and Personal Information, if provided by the user.

If you arrive at the Sites by "clicking through" from another website, then certain information about you that you provided to that other website, such as the terms you were searching that led you to the Sites, may be transmitted to us and we may use it. You should review the privacy policy of any website from which you reached the Sites to determine what information was collected by that website and for what purposes you agreed that website could use that information. We may retain information about you provided to us by other websites and will only use it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Such information may be associated with other Usage Data or Personal Information.

Interest-Based Advertising

We work with third-party advertisers, search providers, and ad networks ("Advertisers") to learn more about you and show you our ads or other of our content that we believe would be relevant to you. Advertisers may collect and use information about your use of the Sites or Services as well as other websites and services. These companies may use cookies and other online tracking technologies to collect and use your information. We and/or Advertisers may also append other data to the data collected by Advertisers to create an interest profile of individual users. Our Privacy Policy does not cover any use of information that an Advertiser may collect from you. Advertisements may be shown via the Sites, on third-party websites, or on social media properties. If you do not want to receive some interest-based advertising, please visit the Digital Advertising Alliance ("DAA") Consumer Choice Page. The DAA website allows you to opt-out of one or more interest-based advertising networks. Opt-outs are device and browser specific; therefore, you will need to set your opt-out preferences for each device and browser. Deleting browser cookies can remove your opt-out preferences; however, the DAA offers browser extensions that help preserve the opt-out preferences you set on the DAA's Consumer Choice Page. Please note that opt-outs only apply to interest-based advertising and not all advertising networks participate. You may still receive other types of online advertising.

Information from Advertisements

If you arrive at the Sites via an advertisement (e.g., banner ad), we may collect information regarding the advertisement with which you interacted and your interactions (e.g., item clicked, date, and time).



We may collect, use, or disclose Personal Information for internal purposes, as explained below:

Purpose of Processing

Categories of Personal Information Processed

Provide you with the Sites and Services

  • Identifiers
  • Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law
  • Commercial Information
  • Internet or other electronic network activity

Account creation, fulfillment, servicing and customer support: to create customer accounts, allow customers to create online accounts and profiles, provide goods or services, keep customers informed about the status of their purchases and services, respond to questions and address customers concerns, and deliver updates, upgrades, and product improvement information

  • Identifiers
  • Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law
  • Commercial Information
  • Internet or other electronic network activity
  • Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information
  • Education information

Marketing and market research: to send communications and offers and place advertisements for our products or services or third parties' products, services, or campaigns, including offers based on consumers' interests, personal and business characteristics, and location, perform analytics for market and consumer research, trend analysis, financial analysis, and anonymization of personal information

  • Identifiers
  • Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law
  • Commercial Information
  • Internet or other electronic network activity
  • Geolocation Information
  • Professional or employment-related information
  • Inferences drawn from other Personal Information

Surveys, promotional events, contests: to administer surveys, polls, sweepstakes, contests, and other promotional events and contests

  • Identifiers
  • Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law
  • Commercial Information
  • Internet or other electronic network activity
  • Professional or employment-related information
  • Inferences drawn from other Personal Information

Other company communications: to provide consumers with information that may be of interest such as company newsletters, announcements, reminders, and service bulletins

  • Identifiers
  • Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law
  • Commercial Information
  • Internet or other electronic network activity
  • Geolocation Information
  • Professional or employment-related information
  • Inferences drawn from other Personal Information

Sites and Services analytics: to analyze consumers' use of our Sites and Services, including the use of third-party web analytics services which may utilize automated technologies to collect data (such as IP address, device configuration, and crash statistics)

  • Identifiers
  • Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law
  • Commercial Information
  • Internet or other electronic network activity
  • Geolocation Information
  • Inferences drawn from other Personal Information

Eligibility and pricing: to determine if consumers are eligible for certain products, services, or offers and the pricing related to such offers

  • Identifiers
  • Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law
  • Commercial Information
  • Internet or other electronic network activity
  • Geolocation Information
  • Professional or employment-related information
  • Inferences drawn from other Personal Information

Product research: to conduct research and analysis for maintaining, protecting, and developing services, increase and maintain the safety of our products and services, and prevent misuse

  • Identifiers
  • Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law
  • Commercial Information
  • Internet or other electronic network activity
  • Geolocation Information
  • Professional or employment-related information
  • Inferences drawn from other Personal Information

Sales and Sharing: to engage in the sale and sharing of Personal Information as more fully described below in this Privacy Policy

  • All categories of Personal Information which we collect

Business operations: to evaluate, develop, and improve business operations, products, and services offered, perform business administration, and conduct other normal business activities

  • All categories of Personal Information which we collect

Business transactions: to evaluate and facilitate business transactions such as a merger, acquisition, or asset sale

  • All categories of Personal Information which we collect

Compliance: to comply with applicable legal requirements, government requests, industry standards, contractual obligations, our policies, and take actions that we deem necessary to preserve and enforce our rights and the rights of others

  • All categories of Personal Information we collect

Information security and fraud prevention: to operate information security and anti-fraud programs

  • All categories of Personal Information we collect

We also process Personal Information as defined in Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e) to the same extent as such Personal Information is processed under another category above.

Testimonials and Stories

If you provide a testimonial or story, we may post it publicly on the Sites, Services, or in other advertising material. By providing a testimonial or story, you give us permission to use it in any manner and for any purpose, including in marketing and advertising communications, without any compensation to you. Unless prohibited by applicable law, we may also use your likeness and story on the Sites, Services, or in other advertising material in connection with your testimonial or story.

Collection and Use Limitation

We will not collect additional categories of Personal Information or use Personal Information we collected for materially different or incompatible purpose without providing you notice such as by posting an update to our Privacy Policy online.


We do not use Personal Information for automated profiling of consumers with legal or similarly significant effects upon the consumer.

Service Providers

We may establish a relationship with other businesses to provide services to us, which may include corporate affiliates ("Service Providers"), and we may disclose your Personal Information to Service Providers for business purposes including for:

  • Provision of the Sites and Services;
  • Facilitating marketing and non-marketing communications;
  • Marketing design and development;
  • Business analytics (both marketing and non-marketing related);
  • IT and network administration such as mobile application development, data storage and management, website hosting, and data security;
  • Sweepstakes and event design and administration;
  • Payment processing;
  • Professional services such as legal and accounting;
  • Obtaining legal records;
  • Collection of accounts; and
  • Day-to-day business operations such as courier services, facilities management, and document destruction.

We only provide our Service Providers with the Personal Information necessary for them to perform these services on our behalf. Each Service Provider is expected to use reasonable security measures appropriate to the nature of the information involved to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Service Providers are prohibited from using Personal Information other than as specified by us.

We may share your Personal Information with one or more Service Providers. In the past twelve months we have shared identifiers; Personal Information listed in Cal. Civ Code 1798.80(e); protected classification characteristics; commercial information; sensory information; professional and employment-related information, Internet and other electronic network information; and inferences drawn from the foregoing categories of Personal Information.

You may also be asked to provide Personal Information directly to a Service Provider. For example, we may connect you with a third-party financial institution or financial calculator provider and request that you provide Personal Information directly to them.

Third-Party Selling & Sharing

We may sell your Personal Information to third parties. We may also share Personal Information with third parties for cross-context behavioral advertising or targeted advertising purposes. Any time we use the word “share” or its derivatives in this Privacy Policy, we mean sharing for cross-context behavioral advertising or targeted advertising purposes. In the past twelve months we have sold or shared Personal Information as described in the table below. We do not knowingly sell or share Personal Information of individuals under 16 years of age.

Category of Recipient

Categories of Personal Information Sold or Shared

Share or Sell

Advertisers & social media companies

All categories of Personal Information we collect.


Advertisers of consumer goods or services

Identifiers; Personal Information listed in Cal. Civ Code 1798.80(e); and Internet or other electronic network activity.


Financial advisory services

Identifiers; Personal Information listed in Cal. Civ Code 1798.80(e); and Internet or other electronic network activity.


Political campaigns

Identifiers; Personal Information listed in Cal. Civ Code 1798.80(e); and Internet or other electronic network activity.


Political action committees

Identifiers; Personal Information listed in Cal. Civ Code 1798.80(e); and Internet or other electronic network activity.


Political parties

Identifiers; Personal Information listed in Cal. Civ Code 1798.80(e); and Internet or other electronic network activity.


Other Third-Party Disclosures

We may disclose Personal Information and Usage Data to businesses controlling, controlled by, or under common control with us subject to this Privacy Policy. If we are merged, acquired, or sold, or in the event of a transfer of some or all of our assets, or the evaluation of such a transaction, we may disclose or transfer Personal Information and Usage Data in connection therewith.

We cooperate with government and law enforcement officials and private parties to enforce and comply with the law. We may disclose Personal Information and any other information about you to government or law enforcement officials or private parties if, in our discretion, we believe it is necessary or appropriate to respond to legal requests (including court orders, investigative demands, and subpoenas), to protect the safety, property, or rights of ourselves, consumers, or any other third party, to prevent or stop any illegal, unethical, or legally actionable activity, or to comply with law.

In the past twelve months, we have disclosed the following categories of Personal Information to the following categories of third parties:

  • Government officials: Identifiers
  • Law enforcement and courts: Identifiers
  • Parties to litigation: Identifiers


We retain all categories of your Personal Information for as long as is necessary to achieve purposes of collection and use described above, which is generally as long as we have a relationship with you. We also retain your Personal Information for a period of time after our relationship with you has ended where there is an ongoing business need to retain it. This includes, without limitation, retention to comply with our legal, regulatory, tax, and/or accounting obligations, to remarket to you, and to maintain our anti-fraud and security programs.


Laws in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, and Virginia provide consumer-residents with specific rights regarding their Personal Information. We provide the rights as described below to consumers residing in those states.

Right to Know

You have the right to request twice per 12-month period that we disclose to you certain information about our collection, use, disclosure, and sale of your Personal Information over the past 12 months, including: (i) the categories or specific pieces of Personal Information we collected about you; (ii) the categories of sources from which your Personal Information was collected; (iii) the business or commercial purpose(s) for which we collected your Personal Information; (iv) the categories of third parties with whom we shared your Personal Information; (v) the categories of third parties to whom we sold your Personal Information; and (vi) our business or commercial purposes for selling Personal Information.

We are not permitted to provide access to specific pieces of Personal Information if the Personal Information is sensitive or creates a high risk of potential harm from disclosure to an unauthorized person such as financial information, social security numbers, and driver's license numbers. We will not provide specific pieces of Personal Information unless you expressly request them.

Right to Deletion

You have the right to request that we delete any Personal Information we have collected about you. Please understand that we are not required to honor a deletion request if a legal exemption applies such as if we need the information to complete a requested or reasonably anticipated transaction, prevent security incidents or fraud, or comply with legal obligations.

Right to Correct

You have the right to request that we correct inaccurate Personal Information we maintain about you. After you request to correct inaccurate Personal Information, we will provide instructions for you to provide us with optional documentation to support your request and we will consider it.

We may decline to correct your Personal Information if we determine based on the totality of the circumstances that your Personal Information is more likely than not accurate. We may also decline to correct your Personal Information if we determine that your request is fraudulent or abusive. If your request to correct your Personal Information is denied, you may request that we note in our records and notify any Service Providers and third parties to whom we disclosed your allegedly inaccurate Personal Information that its accuracy has been disputed.

We may decide to delete your allegedly inaccurate Personal Information instead of correcting it.

Right to Opt-Out of the Sale or Sharing of Personal Information

You have the right to request that we do not sell or share your Personal Information to others. You may do so by following the instructions for submitting a request below. Please note that opting out of the sale or sharing of Personal Information will not affect any sale or sharing of your Personal Information that may have occurred prior to the date of your opt-out request.

We will recognize browser-based opt-out signals required by law including, without limitation, Global Privacy Control. If we receive an opt-out signal and are able to identify the consumer to whom the signal relates, we will treat the signal as a request to opt out of the sale or sharing of all Personal Information we have on file for the consumer and disable related third-party cookies. If we receive an opt-out signal and are not able to identify the consumer to whom the signal relates, we will treat the signal as a request to opt out limited to the Personal Information we collect from the consumer during the online session during which the signal is present and to disable related third-party cookies.

Right to Appeal

You have the right to appeal our decision to deny, in full or in part, your exercise of consumer rights by submitting a request to appeal. If we deny your appeal, we will provide you with a written explanation of the reasons for our decision. If you are not satisfied with our explanation for the denial of your appeal, you may contact your state Attorney General to submit a complaint about the appeal results.

Non-Discrimination Notice

We will not discriminate against any consumer for exercising their privacy rights under law or this Privacy Policy.

Non-Waiver Notice

We will not agree to or contract to limit or waive any consumer’s privacy rights under law or this Privacy Policy.

Submitting a Consumer Rights Request

If you are a resident of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, or Virginia, you may submit your request(s) by:

Sending an email to [email protected]

If you email us, please include at least your name, mailing address, email address, and a description of your request.

After you submit your request, we may contact you to obtain additional information necessary to verify your identity. For example, we may require you to verify certain information in our files or submit a signed declaration under penalty of perjury verifying your identity. We will not process Right to Know, Deletion, or Correction requests without verifying your identity, so please respond promptly. If you do not timely respond to our requests for information, we may deny your request.

We will process verified Right to Know, Right to Correct, and Right to Deletion requests within 45 days of receipt, subject to any applicable exemptions and extensions permitted by law up to 90 days. If you request access to specific Personal Information and that information creates a high risk of potential harm from disclosure to an unauthorized person, we will withhold that information and replace it with a category identifier. For example, if we withhold a social security number, we will inform you that we have a social security number on file. If you have an online account with us, we will provide the response to your request via the online account, otherwise, we will give you the option to choose between mail and electronic delivery. We will retain a copy of your deletion request for at least two years as required by law.

We will process requests to opt-out of the sale or sharing of Personal Information with in 15 business days or receipt.

We will process verified Right to Appeal requests within the timeframes established by your state’s privacy law, but generally within 45 days of receipt.

Authorized Agent

If you are an authorized agent submitting a request on behalf of a consumer (other than a request to opt-out of the sale or sharing of Personal Information), you must provide a copy of a lawful power of attorney or a written signed authorization from the consumer along with proof of your identity. You may provide this documentation via email to [email protected] after submitting the request. We may contact you and the consumer on whose behalf you claim to act to verify your identity, the consumer's identity, and your authorization to act on the consumer's behalf.

California "Do Not Track" Disclosure

Do Not Track is a web browser privacy preference that causes the web browser to broadcast a signal to websites requesting that a user's activity not be tracked. Currently, our Sites and Services do not respond to "do not track" signals.



We recognize the importance of safeguarding the confidentiality of Personal Information from loss, misuse, or alteration. Accordingly, we employ commercially reasonable administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect such Personal Information from unauthorized access, disclosure, and use. Even with these safeguards, no data transmission over the Internet or other network can be guaranteed 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect information transmitted on or through our Sites or Services, you do so at your own risk.

Other Websites & App Stores

Please be aware that third-party websites accessible through the Sites or recommended through our Services may have their own privacy and data collection policies and practices. If you access our applications through an app store such as the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or Roku Channel Store, your interactions with those stores and the manufacturer of the device you are using will be governed by their respective privacy policies. We are not responsible for any actions, content of websites, or privacy policies of such third parties. You should check the applicable privacy policies of those third parties when providing information.


If you have any questions about our Sites, Services, or this Privacy Policy, please contact us using the information below.

Valor K9 Academy LLC
[email protected]