A finishing course for service dogs
Coming Summer of 2025
Service Dogs are amazing animals that provide us with a variety of support and emotional stability. They are often our best friends, providing us with unconditional love, loyalty, and companionship in times of need.
You Can Train Your Own Service Dog
Learn the right techniques to train your service dog to:
- Reliably perform tasks for you
- Perform optimally at home and in public
- Ignore distractions and be completely neutral in all situations
- Navigate obstacles, challenges and difficult environments
- Have full public access rights as a fully-trained service dog
Service Dogs Save Lives.
There is no overarching certifying organization for service dogs. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are allowed to train your service dog yourself. Let us guide you through the process of getting your dog fully trained for public access. We will help you train your dog and educate you on your rights in the process to make service dog handling easy. You can start enjoying the benefits of having a fully-trained service dog at your side!
Let us show you how to...
- Teach your dog advanced obedience skills and commands for ease of handling
- Task train for select disabilities so that your dog can aid you with your disability and enhance your quality of life
- Coach your dog through complete public access training for all types of environments and situations
Service dogs save lives. The right training makes all the difference. Let us help you train quickly and effectively to maximize your service dog's potential and working career.
Service Dog Select™
Are You Ready to Get the Help You Need to Train Your Service Dog?
The Service Dog Select program complements our Puppy Head Start and Good Dog programs by providing the third and final training phase for completing your dog's training and preparing him for work as a legal Service Dog with full public access rights. You'll have access to over 30 lessons consisting of:
- 55 plus pages of written text
- More than 3 hours of digital audiobook for ease of learning
- Over 35 high-quality 4K how-to videos
- Printable worksheets, handouts, and homework files
Service Dog Select is the best online training course in the world for service dogs and service dog handlers. You won't find an easy-to-follow or more complete course anywhere.
Coming Summer 2025!

Owner Education
Your knowledge is the basis of your service dog's training. Learn actionable steps you can take to increase your education, including:
- Service dog selection: What to know and how to pick the right dog
- Your rights as a disabled person
- How to set up your dog for success as both a working service animal and a beloved companion
You’ll finish this module with a complete picture of what makes for a great service dog and how to be a great trainer in the modules to come.

Advanced Obedience
With the right dog, the sky's the limit. The next step is building off your dog's Good Dog™ course training to teach advanced obedience you can rely on. In this lesson, you'll learn:
- Leash pressure and body awareness training
- Nonverbal commands and behaviors
- Public access skills and commands
You’ll finish this course with a super obedient dog and be one step closer to making our service dog's training a reality.

Task Training
The secret to task training is to stop doing too much at once. In this lesson, you'll learn:
- More than 12 different tasks for varying types of disabilities
- How to train your dog to assist you with your disability
- The best techniques for generalizing your dog's task training in new environments
You’ll finish this lesson with your dog's task training complete and ready for work.
Public Access Training
For many, the goal is to take their service dog everywhere with them and live a normal lifestyle. In this course, you’ll learn:
- Your public access rights and fielding questions from the public
- How to enforce complete neutrality and focus on the handler
- Handling in various situations including buses, planes, airports, restaurants, grocery stores, travel, and hotels
You’ll finish this course with a fully trained service dog and the confidence to get your independence back.

This Program Is For You If...
- You have a physical or mental disability
- You have a doctor's note stating that you qualify for a service dog
- You have specific tasks in mind that a service dog can perform for you
- You dream of having the freedom a service dog can offer
- You can invest 30-60 minutes per day to training both at home and in public

When it came time to consider a new service dog, there was a short list of people I trusted to help; one of which was Amy
- Presi J. (service dog handler)

If you need canine assistance for behavioral and emotional support, Valor K9 Academy is the best training facility for veterans and first responders
- Robert H. (combat veteran of the 82nd Airborne Division)

Valor K9 Academy is an amazing company with a fantastic philosophy
- Erin S. (VK9 shadow student and dog trainer)
Service Dog Select™
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